Hot news for everyone! Tips for saving money, entertainment, internet marketing, giveaways, fun and so much more!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Time to Fall Back and Change the Batteries in your Smoke Dectectors!

Friday, October 30, 2009
Angel Food Ministries -- Save on you food Bill!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Vintage Knox Gelatine Recipes that Helps you Stetch Butter and More

I was going through some old cookbooks that I am listing on eBay and came across this recipe on how to take Knox Gelatine and mix it with butter to make a spread. It takes a quarter pound of butter and makes a half pound of spread. I thought it was interesting and thought I would post it for others. Enjoy!
As I said I came across a Knox Gelatine recipe book from way back. I found it interesting that since I knew that gelatin was good for nails and hair that there were many other thing it was good for also.
I am listing some of the items discussed in the cookbook and I will give you a new recipe that will help stretch the family budget in a healthy way. As a child I remember helping my mother make gelatin recipes and always had fun doing it. They are great make ahead meals for scheduling in busy days.
_from the cookbook________________________________________
Infant Feeding: Studies show that when Knox Gelatine is added to cow's mil, there is a marked reduction of the curd tension as compared with the same milk before adding gelatin - thus making milk more easily digestible.
Peptic Ulcer: Scientific research s shown that Knox Gelatine is particularly effective for the frequent feedings in the management of peptic ulcer.
Diabetes: Knox Gelatine, because it is free from carbohydrate, is a real boon in the diet of diabetics. It can be used in a wide variety of wholesome, tempting dishes.
As a Protein Drink: Hundreds of men and women engaged in strenuous occupations volunteered to drink Knox Gelatine regularly to see if it would help keep up their endurance. After 28 days, 2 out of 3 said they noticed that they felt better at the end of their day's work. Try it -- and see if you don't notice a difference. You'll find directions for drinking Knox Gelatine in every package.
Come back tomorrow and get the recipes for Ham Mousse, Jellied Chicken and Vegetables, and Meat Loaf for main meals, Reception Salad, Golden Salad and Green Salad for Salads, and for Desserts, Lemon Ice, Mint Sherbet, Lemon Milk Sherbet, Grape Juice Sherbet, Orange Cream Sherbet.
Click HERE to go to the full size image of the Butter Spread Recipe.
Until then, enjoy the info and stay healthy
If you are interested in Vintage Cookbooks check out my eBay store at:
Decor, Glass and Home.
Friday, July 24, 2009
How to Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Bill Collectors

She has tried to work things out with the credit card companies but they do not seem to want to help or work with her to make lower payments. All they were doing was calling everyday and harassing her, making her feel worse than she already did and the stress was starting to make her ill, physically ill.
She found an article on the Internet and said it helped her a lot.
I thought of all the other people out there that possible could use the information in the article to get the Harassing calls (I'm not talking about the nice calls but the people that call, threatening, are rude, the ones that keep calling after you tell them to quit, etc) to cease.
If this sounds like you or you know someone who is in the same situation, read it now.
Read the article at: How to Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Bill Collectors
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Social Media, Technoroti, Digg, StumbleUpon and More.
I am so new to this Social Media Stuff that sometimes I feel lost. Claiming your URL on Technoroti, How to make friends and what do friends do. I have read books on Twitter and still my head swirls. I have many hats so what one do I profile or do I profile all of them. I have blogs for work, blogs for my cancer, blogs for fun. Can I twitter them in the one twitter account?If I blog do I need to twitter? I sometimes feel I spend all my time just blogging. Well there is my rant for the day and I do feel a little better. I will keep learning and hang in there.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Stimulus Program has Money to Weatherize your House

States are getting a boost in federal money to weatherize drafty homes, an increase so large it has set off a scramble to find workers and houses for them to repair.
An obscure program that installs insulation in homes and makes them more energy efficient is distributing $4.7 billion in stimulus funds.
That is enough to weatherize 1 million homes each year.
President Obama said pouring money into the program would lower utility bills for cash strapped families, provide jobs for construction workers idled by the housing slump and make the nation more energy efficient.
The program helps low-income families take steps to reduce their home energy expenses, from caulking leaky windows to replacing heating and cooling systems. The Energy Department says 6.2 million households have benefited since it began in 1976, saving the average household about $350 a year in energy bills.
In many states, qualified homeowners are already on waiting list. But some states do not have enough recipients signed up.
To help find them, states are updating Web sites about the expanded program and working with non-profit groups, churches and the news media to get the word out.
Go to: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/weatherization/about.cfm
Check out your states program by clicking on the map.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Your Own "You Ask It" Q&A site like Yahoo and Google
Online Business and More.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Coupons, Grocery Store and Online, a Must in this Economy.

When I was first married my new husband thought it was funny that I clipped coupons and checked the paper and magazines for deals. This was until he went to the store with me and I saved $15.25 on my grocery bill. I also sent in for a $10.00 rebate for one of the items I purchased. He never laughed again.
Pinching pennies, coupon clipping, website searching and coupon printing, in today's economy all are a must do. People use to say that coupons are not necessary but back then there were only about 23 million coupons offered, now there are around 300 billion coupons available.
Besides the newspaper there are full magazines available full of coupons, Refundle Bundle is one by the Coupon Queen Susan Samtur. Web sites such as couponmom.com, coupons.smartsource.com and couponwinner.com are just a few that have coupons available. Some web sites allow you to download and print many coupons at once.
Codes are available to enter when buying online. Promotionalcodes.com is just one website for these.
Go online and do a search for coupon sources, I am not as good as some of my friends that can save over 50% on their grogeries. I consider myself small time but I do enjoy looking for that bargain purchase.
Get Going and Save Money NOW!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tiger Wood's First Swing at The US Open

I felt so bad when I saw the look of amazement on his face. The look said "What Happened!"
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Great Golf Tips, Golf Videos, and more. golf.todays-tips.com

Some friends of mine have started a Golf Tips website and I went and checked it out today.
There were some great articles for someone like me who is just beginning to get into golf. Since I am a real novice they had some basics for me, information on what I should look for in equipment, and really good videos on chipping and my favorite, getting out of the bunker ( I have ended up in the sandtrap every time I have played).
I saw videos from pros, a great article on arthritis and golf, and really think this site is going to be really great and full of information.
Frank said they have a lot of great articles that will be added and they have a subscriber only page that will have articles and specials for subscribers only.
Go take a look and tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions I can pass along just let me know. http://www.golf.todays-tips.com
I took the little golfer image from the site. I thought he was cute. Of course I had their permission.
Enjoy, Leigh
Sunday, May 31, 2009
You don't find FREE graphics anymore.

Exciting news for all internet marketers.
I came across this great product that is a definite plus in my book.
Not only does it make the job of an internet marketer easier, faster and with a great professional look, they are offering it for free.
Imagine that! Finding great professional work like this would cost a fortune, not to mention if you even try to design them yourself.
You can use these for:
-Opt In forms
-Order Now Buttons
-Download now Buttons
-Guarantee Buttons
- and more...
And the best part is, they are All for free.
To find out more, click here...
Friday, May 29, 2009
New Technique Promises to Revolutionize Traditional Stained Glass Windows

Cold glass innovation compared in importance to the invention of opalescent glass. Will benefit the entire stained glass industry.
East Bend, N.C. (PRWEB) May 29, 2009 -- A revolutionary alliance has been announced between one of America's elite stained glass studios and world-renowned cold glass artist Jon Kuhn for the integration of Kuhn's radiant work into stained glass windows. The innovative technique has the potential to change the global stained glass industry dramatically.
"We are so ready for this!" Priest said. "We had been thinking about ways to break out of the price-driven, competitive bid mindset that limits so many stained glass studios when Jon Kuhn first approached us. Jon's reputation is international, and he gets a price for his art in keeping with that reputation, so that's nothing but good for the stained glass business. In the long run," Priest suggested, "adding Jon Kuhn's brilliant work to stained glass windows may prove to be as ground-breaking to our industry as John La Farge's invention of opalescent glass." Kuhn Sacred Glass (as well as Kuhn Residential Stained Glass) is expected to add a factor of about ten to the cost of typical custom stained glass church windows, according to Priest and Kuhn. Kuhn Sacred Glass windows are expected to begin at around $20,000 for a 24" by 37" panel containing a half-dozen or so Kuhn Jewels and increase in price from there depending on the size and complexity of the stained glass design.
Whether a tabletop cube or a monumentally scaled work, Kuhn's mesmerizing lead crystal sculptures are rich with reflective light. No heat is used to create them (thus the term cold glass). Each piece is painstakingly created from the inside out through an intricate process made possible by an array of machinery that his team of artisans has adapted from industrial use to cut, shape and polish glass. An epoxy that Kuhn manufactures himself gives his work an almost uncanny transparency and allows light to escape from its matrix-like core in dazzling profusion. It's as if light itself finally has been released from bondage, liberated at last to celebrate its new-found freedom in a joyful, exuberant way.
The alliance's first commission was a freestanding 30-inch high clear crystal cross with 10-thousand facets of lead crystal, designed for a rather traditional church sanctuary. When the sun strikes Kuhn's crystal cross, the effect is as if the Spirit himself has descended to bathe the congregation in the light of Christ's saving grace.
Another collaboration Kuhn has done recently led directly to the invention of the tiny bits of crystal that Kuhn is introducing to stained glass windows: the $1.2 million Kuhn-Bösendorfer art case piano. "I had been thinking about designing an art case piano for several years," he says. "Bösendorfer is 'old school' in the same way that I am. It doesn't matter how long it takes to make their pianos, they just have to be perfect. And that's the same kind of long-term, qualitative approach I've discovered at Salem Stained Glass. I fully appreciate the fact that stained glass of the quality I've seen at Salem can last for centuries. That's what I'm after," he enthused. "I want my work to last forever!"
"The sky's the limit on projects that marry Salem's stained glass art with Kuhn's amazing cold glass," says Brown. "It could be as simple as individual stained glass window panes arranged in the shape of a religious symbol or a complex stand-alone Kuhn work. We can shadowbox them in walls, inlay them into church pews -- or even Bösendorfer pianos. There really is no end to the possibilities."
Kuhn agrees. "We fully expect our alliance to take wing," he says, "all over the world." And, in the process, the stained glass world will have been changed in ways that heretofore would have seemed unimaginable.
About Salem Stained Glass:Salem Stained Glass has been creating lovely light for special spaces since its founding in 1985. Today, this company of artists and craftspeople is one of America's elite stained glass studios. Salem's product is as old as antiquity and as up to date as tomorrow, just one reason why their original designs, installation work and restoration services are in constant demand.
Please direct Kuhn Sacred Glass inquiries to Al Priest at Salem Stained Glass. A DVD about Kuhn Sacred Glass also is available.
Al Priest, PresidentSalem Stained Glass1-888-724-2559http://www.salemstainedglass.com/
Check back for more interesting articles and finds about Stained Glass and more.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Free Samples, Save Money, Free Products.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Massive IM Giveaway Happens in 4 Days.
I was invited to be part of this great JV with a TON of ebooks and software: Best JV Giveaway
And it's only going to involve a few selected Internet Marketers. That's why I'm sending you this private invitation to join as a Contributor and build your list.
There are only a few days to get involved. I am not joking, the event is scheduled to open for regular members on May 25th, 2009, so you gotta get in fast... You know what they say: "The early bird gets the worm..."
I was just speaking with Paul Mihai Pavel (a well-known Internet Marketer), and we both realized something very important... ...and it has to do with you
You see, most Marketers could be making a lot more money if they only had more traffic coming to their website. And easy access to marketing tools that have made other marketers work easier, and made them a lot of money.
I strongly recommend that you take a look at the upgrade option. As an upgraded contributor you will be able to submit not one, but up to 3 gifts... Also, as an upgraded contributor you'll get 100% commissions, paid directly to your Paypal account.
Here is the full list of benefits for upgraded contributors:
Your gift listed in the Random Hot Downloads page.
Get Direct Download Links
# Of Gifts Allowed ( More Gifts = More Exposure) - 3
# Of Special Offers Allowed - 3
# Of Text Ads Allowed - 5
BEST OF ALL - Upgrade Commission - 100%
Remember, this is coming in just 4 days.
Join now as a Contributor and build your list, promote the
giveaway to your existing list so you build your relationship with
them, then go download the gifts yourself to expand
your product base.
This is a Win, Win for everyone.
This is my way of saying thank you for reading my blog,
and I hope that you will make lots of money
selling and using those products.
To get the "by Invite Only" JV details, just go here.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Let a Soldiers know you Support them, Send a Card or Letter.

Regardless of your political affiliation and whether you believe in war, the brave individuals in our military need to know they are appreciated. A simple card or letter can make all the difference to someone overseas protecting our nations freedoms.
There are about 2.1 million active and reserve men and women in the US military. Hundreds of thousand of American troops are deployed indefinitely in remote parts of the world, including the Middle East, Afghanistan, Africa, the Korean Peninsula and on ships throughout international waters.
U.S. service members are deployed for long periods of time. The average tour of duty for all soldiers in Iraq (including Reservist) has been 320 days but some have served for up to two years.
The most requested item by military men and women is a letter. They love receiving good wishes and words of appreciation and support, even from total strangers.
The steps you need to take:
1. Select a soldier you know or one who is related to someone you know
2. If you don’t know a soldier , ask a friend, fellow student, co-worker, pastor or military chaplain to help you make a connection. Make sure they provide proper mailing instructions.
3. Grab some paper, an envelope and a pen.
4. White a letter from you heart that expresses your gratitude, shows your support and provides encouragement. Share a little bit about yourself as well as ask questions about the person you are writing. Avoid such topics as death, killing and politics.
5. Include your e-mail or mailing address in case the recipient wants to write back. You could even include a self-addressed envelope.
6. Send the letter.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Pfizer offers free drugs to Jobless, Lipitor, Viagra, Celebrex and more
Eligibility requirements of the new program include:
Loss of employment since January 1, 2009
Prescribed and taking a Pfizer medicine for at least 3 months prior to becoming unemployed and enrolling in the program
Lack of prescription drug coverage
Can attest to financial hardship
Over 70 drugs are covered in the program including several diabetes drugs and some of Pfizer's top money makers, from cholesterol fighter Lipitor and painkiller, Celebrex to fibromyalgia treatment Lyrica and Viagra for impotence. Also included are some antibiotics, antidepressants, heart medications, contraceptives and more.
All of Pfizer’s patient assistance programs, including the new program, can be reached by calling a single phone number (1-866-706-2400) or by visiting www.PfizerHelpfulAnswers.com
The new program will be fully operational on July 1, 2009. However, people in need now can call 1-866-706-2400 for help. MAINTAIN is a part of Pfizer Helpful Answers, a joint program of Pfizer Inc and the Pfizer Patient Assistance Foundation
To read more about the program go to: Pfizer
Here is the link to a page that has Free Trial Offers on such items as:
Green Tea, Acai Berry, Colon Cleanse, and more.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
8 Internet Marketing Tools to help you Make More Money
Internet Marketing Scripts
The scripts are: Auto Countdown, Auto Launcher, Auto RSS, Auto Squeeze,
Easy Cloaker, Easy SplitTest, Email Router, and Mass URL.
I'm not going to try to cover each script but here are a few ways that you could make money with them.
Method 1: Simply by using them on your site.
Method 2: Sell the entire collection to others.
The sales collection comes with a sales letter so
this method would be super easy & quick!
Method 3: Use as lead generators.
Basically, you giveaway one of the scripts so you
can promote a better option or upgrade.
Example: Giveaway "Easy SplitTest" so you can
promote a better split testing script that pays you
a commission.
Method 4: Create a new package.
Basically, you take one or two of the scripts, add
products you already own to the mix and you have
a new product to sell!
Example: Take the script "Easy SplitTest" and an
ebook on proper split testing, add some images,
sales copy and you have a brand new product!
Method 5: Rebrand the products.
Since the scripts come with PLR, you could rename
them to something cool and sell it as a stand-alone
Example: Take the script "Auto Squeeze," call it
"Squeeze Bomb," have some graphics made, a simple
sales letter and you're set to cash-in.
You could even take methods 3, 4 & 5 up a notch
and sell them with a 100% commission script so
you can let others build your list. If you wanted to
get real fancy, get a unique domain.
The 5 methods above are just a few examples of
how you can use them to make money. There are
hundreds of other ways. You just need to use a
little imagination.
At this low price they will not last long.
Internet Marketing Scripts
Use these Scripts to Put More Money in YOUR Bank account!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Free Heart Health Kit for Women and their Families

I was reading Dear Abby the other day and as I have been going to a cardiologist, due to stress put on my heart from my Cancer treatments, I was glad to see that the US Food and Drug Administration's Office of Women's Health and WomenHeart have joined together to create a must-have free Heart Health Kit for women and their families.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women, but we can all take steps to protect ourselves.
This kit features information on major topics including high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and stroke. It also includes tips for women on recognizing the warning signs of a heart attack, which can be different from those experienced by men.
With today being Mother's day, think about ordering one for yourself, your mother, sister, and best friends also. They are FREE!
For the fastest service, the kits can be ordered online at www.pueblo.gsa.gov. If you do not have online access, send your name and address to Heart Health Kit, Pueblo, CO 81009, or call toll-free 1-(888)-878-3256 weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time and ask for the kit.
Quantities are limited, so if you are interested in this free offer, do not delay - ORDER TODAY.
My thanks to:
Kathleen Uhl, MD, Assistant Commissioner for Women's Health, FDA
Lisa Tate, CEO, National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease
and to Dear Abby, for letting us know about this Heart Health Kit.
You can read the full Dear Abby article at www.pueblo.gsa.gov
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Internet, Accident Pictures, Police, Privacy, Legal Rights, Catsouras

For two years Terrible Pictures of a young girl’s death, Nikki Catsouras, have been haunting her parents and family because 2 California Highway Patrol dispatchers sent them over the Internet to family and friends, supposedly to detour their relatives children from joy riding and drugs.
What ever happened to right of privacy? Where do these CHP dispatchers get the right to release official documents to anyone without authorization?
The dispatchers, one quit shortly after the incident (due to an unrelated cause says his attorney) and one was suspended for 25 days without pay. You would think a 19 year CHP veteran would know better. Why wasn’t he fired?
It appears the web has become a place where cruel behavior has little consequences. Where pictures can go public in an instant without any respect for the feelings of others.
There needs to be some responsibility. Freedom of the press is important for honest and free information but there should be reasonable responsibility in any release of information or postings on the Internet.
Particularly from the governmental authorities that should know better.
Nikki’s family have been denied by the California courts any Survivor Rights and so far have been unable to get the pictures taken off the web. They have appealed the case and hope to have a new ruling by June 1, 2009.
This is just an example of how the web has gotten out of control. Young kids emailing obscene pictures of themselves and then being charged with child pornography. Mothers emailing their daughter’s classmates and harassing them until they commit suicide and getting away with it. Someone emailing Nikki’s father 3 days after her death with the pictures.
The web was suppose to be a tool, like the telephone. What does it say about Society that people get off on doing these horrible things. Have we lost all self respect and respect for others?
Before someone puts anything on the web they need to think about “What if someone was doing this to me or posting this about me?”. What if someone took cell phone photos of your wife in a public bathroom, your daughter in the gym locker room, your brother with a needle in his arm and posted them without regard for not only their (the ones being photographed) but the families feelings and exposure as well.
What if someone posted your private medical records on the web and you lost your insurance or job because of it.
Maybe then they would reconsider some of these postings.
For complete Newsweek story on Nikki Catsouras and her families battle go here:
Friday, May 1, 2009
Swine Flu, Realities, Media, Protection, Biden, H1N1

Yesterday, Vice-President Biden admitted he is human. He would not fly or ride in confined spaces. He would warn his family of the same.
I believe all of us would like to be able to say that and do that. But most of us have to work and getting to work requires subways, buses, trains and planes.
How many people each year die from the regular influenza virus. Approximately 30,000 according to the CDC web site.
The CDC says we should not panic but wash our hands, sanitize and be aware of our surroundings. This is what we are expected to do every year during flu season. Really all year long. It is "Common Sense".
The closing down of schools and daycare centers is now putting additional hardship on already stretched budget as families try to find sitters to watch the children or take off work with a loss of pay. Businesses can not afford to let all the employees that have children take paid leave and leave no one at work.
Of the over 100 confirmed deaths in Mexico, only seven so far are confirmed H1N1 (Swine) flu deaths. The one confirmed H1N1 (swine) flu death in the US was a child visiting from Mexico.
Tourist from Europe and abroad are afraid to come to the US because of the media coverage, putting additional strains on the economy.
Is the Media perpetuating the Panic? Is it a reality show for their rating? Is the media trying to make the economy worse?
Yes the H1N1 (Swine) Flu is a serious virus, but so is the flu. Children, Seniors, and Ill people are at risk. They are every year, all year round.
The CDC says they have medication to treat the existing cases of H1N1 (Swine) Flu and more in surplus.
Use some "Common Sense" and if you are sick or you have a sick child, do not go to work and keep the child home. But if you are not experiencing the symptoms of the swine flu, go about your daily routine. Just wash your hand, sanitize and if you sneeze do it in a tissue and throw it away.
These are "Common Sense" reactions to the flu. Any Flu!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
How Specter's Switch affects the Senate and you!

Senior Republican Senator Arlen Specter has announced today that he will become a Democrat, a switch that has many people wondering what is going on in the Senate.
Senator Specter said:
"I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."
With Senator Specter becoming a Democrat, this would allow him to run for re-election as a Democrat in 2010. He states that many of his constituents have switched parties as more and more Pennsylvanians turn away from the far right stand the Republican party has taken.
The swine flu outbreak has brought to the forefront the fact that the Republican Senate's filibuster (or just lack of voting) has left the confirmation of an HHS Secretary up in the air when we need that person the most. The Secretary of Homeland Security should not be having to do the work of the Health and Human Services Secretary.
Specter's switch would also raise the stakes for the outcome of the disputed Senate race in Minnesota. His decision would give Democrats a 60-seat majority in the Senate, assuming Al Franken is eventually sworn in as the next Senator of Minnesota, a margin that would allow Democrats to break Republican filibusters.
Maybe the Senate could get a little more work done then.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Swine Flu from Mexico, today's Montezuma's Revenge

Did your child go to Mexico for Spring Break? How many Colleges and High Schools have been infected by students that went "South of the Border" for Spring Break? If you are planning a trip "Down Mexico Way", should you go?
Yesterday the Secretary of the Department Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, declared a public health emergency in the United States and the CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center to coordinate the agency's response to this emerging health threat. This will allow funds to be released to support the public health response. CDC's goals during this public health emergency are to reduce transmission and illness severity, and provide information to assist health care providers, public health officials and the public in addressing the challenges posed by this newly identified influenza virus.
What You Can Do to Stay Healthy
There are everyday actions people can take to stay healthy.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.
Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
If you get sick, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
To keep up with the latest go here.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Beta Testing Video Games for a Living?

Have you ever played Video Games? World of WarCraft, BioShock, Call of Duty, Crysis are just a few of them. Well, my Brother was going crazy because all his 24 year old
son was doing was playing these video games. He had gotten out of the service and was talking about going to school but all he did do was sit in his room playing these games. It was driving my brother crazy.
Well, he stopped complaining when his son started getting paychecks for playing these games. He had become a beta tester of video games and got paid to find the little bugs in the games. This has to be done before any of the games go on sale to the public (and look how many games there are!).
Maybe this is something you would be interested in doing for fun (and get paid for it) or to supplement your income. My nephew is doing pretty good at it and has decided he wants to go into computer game design. He already has acquired a great deal of knowledge just from beta testing these games. And he has made some great contacts to help him. Check it out here.
This is how he got started.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Same-Sex Marriage Controversy on Miss USA pagent

When judge Perez Hilton asked Carrie Prejean (Miss California) about legalizing same-sex marriage she was honest in her feelings on the matter.
She respected the rights of others to feel differently but she was raised that marriage was between a man and a woman and that was how she felt it should be.
She did not say she would not respect the feelings of others.
Would Perez Hilton prefer that she had lied just to win the competition, knowing her answer could cause her to lose. (and may have)
I believe her honesty with her answer shows her integrity. People say do we want someone like her being a role model to our girls. I would! She stood up for her principles. She respected others rights to theirs.
Why is everyone putting her down? Everyone has the right to their own views.
That is what America is all about.
picture Credit:Richard Salyer/Miss USA
Monday, April 20, 2009
Keep Columbine in your Thoughts Today.
Were they ostracised because they were different, were they bullied, were they depressed. What ever the reason for what they did, they changed High School life across the country. Security, Counseling and more have all been added to schools to try to change the atmosphere that causes these things to happen.
Oprah Winfrey cancelled her show today because after looking at it she felt it centered to much on the shooters instead of the victims.
Celebrate the students that survived and where they have gone today. Celebrate their families, their accomplishments, their children and more.
Celebrate the braveness that the families of those who died have showed.
The parents that started a scholarship program in their daughter's name and went to the graduation of one of those students.
The step-daughter of the teacher that gave his life saving so many of the kids, her daughter now attends Columbine. She is not afraid to go to school there.
So much love and community love came out of the tragedy. Keep the Columbine community in your thoughts today.
There should be a lesson to all communities that maybe you should not wait for the tragedies to happen, Spread the Love Now and maybe they will not happen.
Listen to your children and pay attention to what they are saying (and what they may not be saying out loud but in the way they are saying things)
We have become so involved with working, stressing out over everything, that we are losing ourselves and our families.
The computer should be used as a tool to help our lives but not as a babysitter, friend, and sole contact with reality for our children. Computers are not real people!
We are the real people!
Stop and talk to your children, your neighbors, family, and friends. Say hello to perfect strangers and maybe they will say hello back.
Smile, as they say, it is the best medicine. Pass it on!! One good turn does bring another! These may seem like just old sayings but they became "old sayings" because they were found to be truths.
Pass these actions down to our children and they will pass them on to their friend.
Imagine if everyone just did one good turn, just imagine.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
5 Reasons not to Invest in Gold!

Jamie Dlugosch is a contributor to InvestorPlace.com. and has listed
the following as "5 Reasons not to Invest in Gold"
I found it very interesting reading and he has some great points.
Here are five reasons why gold should be avoided (click for more details):
Reason #1: There is no inflation.
Reason #2: Gold prices are easily manipulated.
Reason #3: Gold is in limited supply.
Reason #4: Gold was dead for 20 years.
Reason #5: The dollar is the global currency.
Click on each Reason for more details and click here for complete article.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Canon AE1 and Vivitar 400SL Cameras for Sale

I am selling the following cameras to help pay for my Medical Bills from Breast Cancer. I was diagnosed 18 months ago and since then I have had 4 types of Chemo
(I just finished the 4th) and will be on Anti-Hormone medication for 4 more years.
(Boy, how I love having all those menopause symptoms again, night sweats, mood swings, hot flashes, swelling etc. My poor Husband)
If you know anyone who is into photography these cameras are in fantastic condition.
They are both 35mm SLR Film Cameras. My husband and I used them a few years back for a photography class we took.
The packages are on ebay. each contains camera body, lenses, filters etc.
for the Canon AE1 package go here
for the Vivitar 400SL package go here
Cristian de la Fuente back on In Plain Sight!

For those who miss seeing Cristian de la Fuente waltzing around Dancing with the Stars, He's back! De la Fuente returns as Mary McCormick's on-again-off-again boyfriend, Rafael, in the second season of USA's In Plain Sight (which premieres Sunday, April 19, 10 pm/ET). TVGuide.com spoke to De la Fuente about why Raf stays with Mary, when he might actually pop the question again and who he thinks should go home with the mirrorball trophy on Dancing with the Stars.
for full article go here
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
TaxDay Discounts and Specials for All!
Specials by national restaurants: Grab them today and take advantage!!!
Here's a compiled list of some of the well-advertised deals available:
-- Buy a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese or Big Mac and receive the second sandwich for a penny.
-- MaggieMoo's Ice Cream chain will offer a single scoop of free ice cream on April 15th. They call it their "e-CONE-omic" stimulus package.
-- Walgreens is offering 15 percent off on all online orders until April 20th. Enter coupon code TAXED at checkout.
-- Papa John's is offering a $10.40 pizza special with up to three free toppings on a large cheese pizza. For online orders, use the promotional code 1040M. Offer valid from April 13 – 15th. Taco Del Mar
--Sign up online to receive a coupon for a free taco (regularly $1.89) during the “Taxes Suck, Tacos Don’t” promotion April 15.
--T.G.I. Friday’s
On April 15, diners receive a $5 gift card when they spend $15 to $25. They earn a $10 card for a purchase of more than $25.
Save 10.4% (it's advertised as 10.40%) on all orders at this T-shirt and apparel web site using code TAXDAYZAZZLE at checkout. Offer only good on April 15.
-- Mall-based Cinnabon stores are offering free bites on tax day from 5 to 8 p.m.
-- P.F. Chang's will knock off 15 percent from customers' checks on April 15th.
Sign up for a Free TWITTER eBook from fyitoday.com.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sould we go to FLAT TAX rate for everyone?
The US Tax Code is so complicated that I think we should consider it. If we did it would simplefy most people's lives and uncomplicate tax filing. You simply have 15% flat taken out of you pay or pay 15% of your income.
This would also cut down the IRS staff needed which would cut down on government cost.
If we did this there would not be all the loop holes that a lot of people go through to pay no taxes. They would pay 15%.
You can't write of you mortgage interest, your Hummer for business, etc.
We might be surprised how in the long run we might acturally come out better off.
This is just my opinion, but it should be something to consider.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Make Money Selling Private Label Software
Liz Tomey (known as the "Queen Of PLR") just gave out a great resource to her list and I wanted to share it with you as quickly as possible.
If you're looking for a REAL way to make money online you're going to want to pay attention to this...
If you are looking to escape the nine to five workplace, you are not alone. This is because many jobs are not just nine to five anymore; instead there are many jobs that require employees to work longer. If you are looking for an easier way to make money, you have come to the rights place, the internet. Online you will find a number of different business opportunities. Some of those opportunities may be just what you were looking for.
The first step in finding a work at home opportunity is to know what your available options are. You can easily do this by examining a number of different sources. Your local book stores and libraries should have a number of different informational books and guides for those who are looking to learn more about working from home. You can also use the internet to search for that same information. Once you start researching work at home business opportunities, you will find that there are a number of different opportunities out there. For the best results, you are encouraged to examine all of them, including private label resell rights.
Private label resell rights are offered on a number of different products, including software programs. These software programs are created by professional software designers or software developers. Although these professionals have experience creating software, there are many who are unfamiliar with selling their products. This is where the private label resell rights come in. Instead of spending money or taking the time to learn how to market and sell their products, many software creators choose to let someone else sell their product for them. They do this by selling the private label resell rights to someone who is looking to make money, someone just like you.
If you are interested in making money by obtaining the resell rights to a private label software program, you will need to find a program. The program that you choose is important because it often determines whether or not you will find success with this business opportunity. You are also advised to be on the lookout for resell right offers that allow you to change the program or claim it as your own. These types of offers may cost more that traditional resell right offers, but they are well worth it.
Once you have obtained the resell rights to a software program, you will then need to start thinking about making money. To make money with this business opportunity, you need to sell the software program, which you now own the rights to. Every time that you may a sale you will see a profit. That is why it is important that you try your best to sell the product. Despite what you may think, this does not mean that you have to work endless hours. Instead, you are advised to find and use the most effective selling methods. These methods may include the development an online product website or the use of online classified ads. In many cases, you will find that these selling methods are quick, but effective.
If selling a software program, that you didn’t even create, sounds nice, you are advised to get started. The sooner you take part in this potentially profitable business opportunity, the sooner you may be able to escape the nine to five workplace.
Can you imagine being able to have software products that you own the right to, and then turning them into cash cows that do nothing but put money in your pocket?
I am just totally blown away by this! Liz is constantly giving out great tips for making money with PLR products. Some of the things she comes up with are truly mind blowing, but so easy to implement.
As a matter of fact,she's just come out with a new site at http://tinyurl.com/cvnf7d where she is teaching you 9 different tactics that you can use to start cashing in with PLR products.
These are actually 9 seperate step-by-step video tutorials where she takes you by the hand, and shows you exactly what to do. You can check them out by going to
Okay, that's it for today... I hope you take what has been shared here and put it to use right now!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
What a Finish to the Masters
The Argentine Angel Cabrara WON in the Sudden Death.
A triple Sudden Death Playoff between Angel Cabrara,
Chad Campbell, and Kenny Perry.
Campbell is out on the No. 18, and Perry out on the No. 10.
During regular play there were some great moments.
Campbell caught up with the leaders.
Harrington had 2 eagles. And so many more great shots.
Mickelson was really on his way with 7 birdies and then
got a boggie and another birdie to end up at -9.
go to the official Masters site to get all the results
and check all the videos
Final Round Masters Golf Tournament
P Mickelson has dropped -3 for the today after No. 5, Putting him -8 for the tournament. So far the best round but still a lot to come.
T Woods has dropped -1 after No. 6. He still seems to be having some problems.
Keep up with the leaders here.
WOW, Masters Last Round should be Great!

The Last Round of the Masters Golf Tournament today should be Great!
Will Angel Cabrara and Kenny Perry keep their Cool and keep getting those birdies?
Can Chad Campbell shake off that double boogie on No.16 and bogey on No. 18 yesterday?
Can Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson catch up to the leaders?
Padraig Harrington had a quadruple boogie on No. 2 after hitting a tree and sits
at -1. It would be a major accomplishment if he could even make the top 10 at this point.
The weather (wind and possible afternoon showers) and hole placement (watch out for the trees)will make for an interesting day and most of the real action is predicted to come on the back nine.
You can see the leaderboard at the Official Masters Site.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Update 3rd Round Masters

Kenny Perry took over the lead at the Masters after the 5th hole. Kenny was at
-2 for the first 5 holes and Chad Campbell was -1. Angel Cabrara is even as of
the 6th hole. We will see how this hold up.
There are still quite a lot of players grouped together as they go through the course today. Maybe we will see more of a shakeup in the later holes.
You can see the leaderboard at the official Masters Site
Masters Golf Tournament 2nd round over
We now have Chad Campbell and Kenny Perry tied for first after the 2 round at -9 par. Angel Cabrera is in third at -8 par. There are 8 people tied for Sixth place including Geoff Ogilvy , Vijay Singh and Phil Mickelson.
Eight people are tied at 14th with -3 par, 4 tied at 22nd with -2 par, and 7 tied at 26th at -1 including Tiger Woods.
Gary Player and Fuzzy Zoeller, two of the most beloved Masters Champions of all time, bid a tear-filled goodbye as active participants at the Tournament Friday after 52- and 31 years respectively.
Player is a three-time winner and Zoeller won the 1979 Masters in his first try.
Player and Zoeller both received a large ovation coming up the 18th fairway, Player knelt when he arrived at the putting surface to show his appreciation.
Zoeller called the walk up 18 one of the greatest thrills of his life.
I am sure they will be watching next year from the crowd.
The weather caused Ireland’s Padraig Harrington to see a potential birdie on the par-5 15th hole turn into a par, when he was penalized one shot because his ball moved after he had addressed it.
After setting up to putt, a gust of wind caused the ball to move twice. Harrington backed off the putt and called for rules professional David Price, who explained the one-shot penalty. Harrington finished his round with a one-over-par 73 and stood two-under-par for the tournament and tied for 19th place
The weather today is the mid 70s and Sunny so it should make for some great golf.
I have been learning to play golf and just read a book to help me lower my score and it has really helped. It's called "Breaking 80" but I haven't broken 80 yet but it has helped me lower my score.
I'll be back shortly with highlights of today's action.
For full article go to the Official Masters Site
Friday, April 10, 2009
Masters Golf Tournament First Round Results
Jim Furyk and Hunter Mahan are at 66, followed by Larry Mize, the 1987 Masters champion, and Shingo Katayama of Japan at 67.
Defending champion Trevor Immelman opened his title defense with 71.
Tiger Woods, a four-time Masters Champion, almost accomplished something he’s never done at Augusta National – break 70 in the opening round.
Woods was at three-under-par before a bogey at the 18th, where he flew his second shot over the green and could not get it up-and-down to save par.
It is the fourth time Woods has opened the tournament with 2-under 70. On each of the three previous occasions – 1997, 2001 and 2002 – he went on to win a Green Jacket.
Mize is another who took advantage of the picture-perfect setting. Mize shot 67, matching his third-best ever score at Augusta National. He shot 65 in the final round in 1986 and 66 in the third round five years later. In his victory year, Mize shot 70-72-72-71—285 and won a three-way playoff against Seve Ballesteros and Greg Norman.
The 66 by Furyk was his best ever score at Augusta National. He has twice finished fourth at the Masters (1998, 2003) and tied for sixth in 2001.
Greg Norman's first round score was his best opening round since a 63 in 1996, which resulted in the third of his three second place finish.
Norman was playing in the Masters for the first time in seven years, but he received a warm five-hour welcome from Patrons.
This years starting to look like a very interesting Masters. I can't wait to see the results after the end of today. Weather may play more in the results as rain is predicted.
More articles can be seen at the official Masters Site.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Geoff Ogilvy Odds to Win 2009 US Masters Golf Tournament

I couldn't help but notice that SBG Global initially had Geoff Ogilvy lumped in around +5000 odds. Ogilvy's odds to win the 2009 Masters Golf Tournament were now at +1100 odds for a payout potential of $1100 on every $100 bet. Apparently SBG has gotten some decent action on Ogilvy. Tiger Woods is still the Favorite but don’t write off
Geoff yet. He played well last week and says he is ready to win this week. I am not better myself but have found the action going on in golf exciting.
for complete article go here
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Masters US Golf Tournament Odds
Will there be a "Hole in One"? What will the Winning Margin of Victory be? Will the Masters finale be a Playoff?
These are some of the questions online sports book SBG Global's oddsmakers are figuring the odds on.
Will the winner be Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Padraig Harrington, Sergio Garcia, Vijay Singh or a Surprise winner!
For all of the prop odds for the 2009 Masters Tournament be sure to check out 2009 Masters Odds Page and 2009 Masters Start Time and Viewing Guide.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Maybe IT IS time for a RevolutionCard
By harnessing the Internet for its payment platform, the company slashes costs for accepting credit cards by up to 75% for merchants, who in turn pass part of those savings on to consumers to drive loyalty. With the new funding, the company will continue developing its technology as it looks to steal market share from traditional credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard, as well as popular payment service PayPal, a unit of eBay.
Revolution Money’s Internet-based, proprietary RevolutionCard Network supports two products: RevolutionCard and RevolutionMoneyExchange.
RevolutionCard is a general-use credit card that charges no interchange fees and only a half-percent processing fee per transaction to accept – compared to a 1.5% to 4% fee charged by traditional companies. Merchants turn some of these savings into customer loyalty and cash-back programs. For example, cardholders can save three cents per gallon at the nearly 1,000 Murphy USA and Murphy Express gas stations typically located in Wal-Mart Supercenter parking areas across 20 states. RevolutionCard is accepted at more than 650,000 merchant locations and 85% of all ATMs throughout the U.S.
Revolution MoneyExchange is a free online peer-to-peer payments service that enables users to exchange money for free. Users can also access their online funds at all merchants and ATMs on the RevolutionCard Network. MoneyExchange essentially serves as a customer acquisition mechanism for the company. Once consumers register for MoneyExchange the company can pitch RevolutionCard.
The company is aggressively targeting new retailers and expects to reach 80% of the merchant community in three years.
Currently, participating retail locations include Barnes & Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, Bloomingdale’s, Buy.com, CVS, KOHL’s, Macy’s, Marshalls, Walgreen’s, Nordstrom, Office Depot, Office Max, T.J. Maxx and Whole Foods.
To read the full article go to: Wall Street Journal
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Social Media for Boomers
I think it is terrific that something that originated with student populations has grown and been adapted in such a marvelous way by us "Baby Boomers".
We have tremendous opportunities not only for social networking but to connect or reconnect with old friends, family members, and new people on a much larger scale while maintaining an air of community. It also affords us inroads into marketing venues previously unavailable "or at least unexplored" to us.
Getting involved with the online social media communities has got to be one of the best things any "Boomer" can do. Don't let the kids have all the fun!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Buying Foreclosed Properties
The best prices are in areas with the largest concentration of forclosed properties but doesn't mean you should simply go for least expensive ones.
You must do your homework, taking into consideration the neighborhood, schoot district, employment picture, etc. If you buy in an area that is experiencing large layoffs, poor economic outlooks, closing schools or bad schools, a high crime rate, etc., it's going take lot longer for home values to recover and if you are purchasing for investment you may find it hard to resell or rent the property.
There are three types of sales to consider:
You could check out pre-foreclosure sales, in which you buy from owner before the house is formally foreclosed on.
The next stage in the foreclosure process is the auction. this being the riskiest way to buy, particularly if you're new at it.
If the house doesn't sell at auction, the bank that originally issued the loan takes ownership of the property and puts it up for sale through a real estate broker.
Each of these stages have their pros and cons and you should do your due deligence for each step and the best of luck in your searches.
More Real Estate, Mortgage and Financial information is available at : fyitoday.com and sunfantasy.com