When judge Perez Hilton asked Carrie Prejean (Miss California) about legalizing same-sex marriage she was honest in her feelings on the matter.
She respected the rights of others to feel differently but she was raised that marriage was between a man and a woman and that was how she felt it should be.
She did not say she would not respect the feelings of others.
Would Perez Hilton prefer that she had lied just to win the competition, knowing her answer could cause her to lose. (and may have)
I believe her honesty with her answer shows her integrity. People say do we want someone like her being a role model to our girls. I would! She stood up for her principles. She respected others rights to theirs.
Why is everyone putting her down? Everyone has the right to their own views.
That is what America is all about.
picture Credit:Richard Salyer/Miss USA
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