I was surfing the web today and came across a free sample page and clicked on it to check it out.
I figured there would not be anything I was interested in but I was pleasantly surprised.
In today's economy you can get samples of products you use or that you would like to try.
Everything from Food, Baby Products, Cereal, Dog Food, clothing, cosmetics, auto items, cleaning products, vitamins and more.
I was able to get a free guitar pick holder and 5 guitar picks for my husband and a Prilosec sample pack to see how well it works on my heartburn. A super strength Mr Clean Eraser for the kitchen.
If I still had a dog there was a couple of free dog food offers, one for a natural dog food. My dog ate everything that went into his mouth but was the best dog we ever had.
I saw offers for free car air fresheners, free duffel bags, free Oscar Meyer beef Hot Dogs, a 7 month subscription to Sport Diver Magazine, and free sample of Downy Fabric Softener.
I am listing a few of the sites I found:
Take advantage of these sites to help out your budget and "try before you buy" samples.
As I come across more good sites I will let you know.
PS: Try out some of the Free Trial Offers available for Acai Berry, Green Tea, and Colon Cleanse ( all seen on Oprah) and more at this site.
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