Yesterday, Vice-President Biden admitted he is human. He would not fly or ride in confined spaces. He would warn his family of the same.
I believe all of us would like to be able to say that and do that. But most of us have to work and getting to work requires subways, buses, trains and planes.
How many people each year die from the regular influenza virus. Approximately 30,000 according to the CDC web site.
The CDC says we should not panic but wash our hands, sanitize and be aware of our surroundings. This is what we are expected to do every year during flu season. Really all year long. It is "Common Sense".
The closing down of schools and daycare centers is now putting additional hardship on already stretched budget as families try to find sitters to watch the children or take off work with a loss of pay. Businesses can not afford to let all the employees that have children take paid leave and leave no one at work.
Of the over 100 confirmed deaths in Mexico, only seven so far are confirmed H1N1 (Swine) flu deaths. The one confirmed H1N1 (swine) flu death in the US was a child visiting from Mexico.
Tourist from Europe and abroad are afraid to come to the US because of the media coverage, putting additional strains on the economy.
Is the Media perpetuating the Panic? Is it a reality show for their rating? Is the media trying to make the economy worse?
Yes the H1N1 (Swine) Flu is a serious virus, but so is the flu. Children, Seniors, and Ill people are at risk. They are every year, all year round.
The CDC says they have medication to treat the existing cases of H1N1 (Swine) Flu and more in surplus.
Use some "Common Sense" and if you are sick or you have a sick child, do not go to work and keep the child home. But if you are not experiencing the symptoms of the swine flu, go about your daily routine. Just wash your hand, sanitize and if you sneeze do it in a tissue and throw it away.
These are "Common Sense" reactions to the flu. Any Flu!
Airborne sneeze droplets will reach anyone in the vicinity of a flu sufferer and a mask will provide limited protection according to the scientists. A liquid ionizer actually stops the sneeze droplets traveling across the room and spreading the infection, and so protecting people without moving the air. Good hygiene and raising a handkerchief to the nose of someone sneezing is still vital.