Even Thought the World Health Organization said the H1N1 pandemic was over, the virus is still out there along with the rest of the flu virus. Here's what you should know to protect yourselves during this influenza season.
The only reason you had to get 2 flu shots last year is because there was not enough time to combine the shots because the regular flu shot was already in production when the H1N1 infection emerged.
This year flu vaccine protects against 3 strains of influenza:
H1N1 strain, H3N2 strain and a B strain of the virus.
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention is recommending that all people 6 months or older be vaccinated against the flu. Many medical groups are calling for mandatory immunization of health care workers as they are at increased risk of getting the flu due to exposure.
You can go to Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, WinnDixie, and almost any drug store chain to get your flu shot at reasonable cost. Medicare is accepted at most of these locations and covers the cost.
It is important that you get your flu shot. If protects you, your family and anyone you are around. If you have a child in school think of the exposure they have and the cost for doctors, missed school and missed work taking care of them. The flu shot is a lot cheaper. So GO get your FLU Shot!
To your health
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