Hot news for everyone! Tips for saving money, entertainment, internet marketing, giveaways, fun and so much more!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Juan Williams, NPR firing Protest Scripted!

The Associated Press reported today that many people are calling in protesting and threatening to withhold donation because of NPR's firing of Juan Williams, former Fox employee and regular guest on the Bill O'Reilly's conservative talk show on Fox News.
It is believed that many of the so called protesters are reading from scripts as they keep using the same wording over and over again, using the same words, such as "totalitarian". When the representatives from NPR were asked how they could tell, Dana Davis Rehm in Washington said, "When people say, 'I'm never going to watch you again', that's an indicator.".
Do you think the Bill O'Reilly Show and Williams could have gotten together and planned this or was William's just stupid enough to follow in O'Reilly's footsteps. It seems that many of the conservatives in this country are acting like cattle following a bull to slaughter. We are suppose to be "The Land of the Free" but we are becoming "The Most Hated Country" due in part by the Bush administration and now by the ultra-right-wing conservatives like O'Reilly.
Wake up Americans and see what these people are doing to our country. I don't consider myself conservative or liberal but have views that go both ways. I bet if most Americans would take a good look, honestly, at their views they would find out that was true about most.
Even the starters of the Tea Party have denounced what the Republican Party has done to their movement.
Wake up American and get out there and vote before we lose "OUR AMERICA"!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Do you need to get a Flu Shot?

Even Thought the World Health Organization said the H1N1 pandemic was over, the virus is still out there along with the rest of the flu virus. Here's what you should know to protect yourselves during this influenza season.
The only reason you had to get 2 flu shots last year is because there was not enough time to combine the shots because the regular flu shot was already in production when the H1N1 infection emerged.
This year flu vaccine protects against 3 strains of influenza:
H1N1 strain, H3N2 strain and a B strain of the virus.
The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention is recommending that all people 6 months or older be vaccinated against the flu. Many medical groups are calling for mandatory immunization of health care workers as they are at increased risk of getting the flu due to exposure.
You can go to Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, WinnDixie, and almost any drug store chain to get your flu shot at reasonable cost. Medicare is accepted at most of these locations and covers the cost.
It is important that you get your flu shot. If protects you, your family and anyone you are around. If you have a child in school think of the exposure they have and the cost for doctors, missed school and missed work taking care of them. The flu shot is a lot cheaper. So GO get your FLU Shot!
To your health
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
IPods, Cell Phones, Do they damage your hearing?

First it was IPods. Now evidence suggests that cell phones may also be jeopardizing your hearing.
Mobile phone users who were tested over the course of a year showed some damage to the cochlea, the fluid-filled organ deep within the ear that translates sound waves into nerve impulses that feed into the brain.
It's not clear whether the damage is cumulative, but you might want to turn down the volume during your next walk-and-talk.
This article is from the October 11, 2010 Time Magazine, Lab Report section.
To your health,
cell phones,
hearing damage,
mobile phone
Monday, September 20, 2010
Get the Health Benefits of Garlic, But Not the breath!

Feasting an a garlic-infused meal is a sure way to win yourself some alone time. But if you'd like to get the health benefits of garlic and keep your friends, try drinking a glass of milk along with it. A study found that milk lowers the concentration of volatile odor-emitting compounds from garlic in the nose and mouth. And it's best to make it whole milk: fat is an effective deodorizer.
from the Sept 6th Time Magazine, Lab Report Section
Stay close to your friends, DRINK MILK! :)
Bad Breath,
garlic breath,
health benefits,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Looking for a house online, must-read advice!

If you are house hunting online, here's some must-read advice.
Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make. Even if you plan to work with a real estate agent, the Internet can give you a leg up by helping you educate yourself and search for properties. Follow these tips when house shopping online.
- Do the math. The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Freddie Mac, offers online resources to get you started. Online calculators are a great starting point when determining how much house you can afford, but also consider other expenses like utilities and maintenance
- Hone your house search. You know what kind of house you want. The Internet will help you narrow down the options. Use tools such as a Multiple Listing Service to search for homes based on number of bedrooms, price range, proximity to schools or military bases, and other variables.
- Map it. See something you like? type in the home's address into an online mapping service and zoom in for a closer look. The satellite view will help you locate fence lines, outbuildings and landscape features, which are often left out of real estate listing. Switch to street view, and take a virtual tour of the neighborhood. Check out the condition of the neighboring houses and look for power plants, empty lots and other eyesores.
This article was from the Summer 2010 USAA Magazine
Best of luck
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tame your Information Appetite, Information Overload

Between the Internet, Cable TV, IPhones, Ipads, Cell Phones, computers, laptops and all the over information devices most people are suffering from information overload. We skim over Twitter, Facebook, Google, and anyplace else we can to keep on top of everything and are afraid we might miss out on some information. We are having problems focusing and getting our work done.
Here are some tips to "TAME YOUR INFO APPETITE"!
Study Your Habits: Don't be a passive consumer of culture. Ask your self everyday whether you are focusing on the right things.
Limit Your Inputs: Stick to favorite websites and TV programs and resist aimless Web and channel surfing. Open-ended cruising can cause you to lose track of time and goals.
Exercise Your "Concentration Muscles": Focused activities such as reading an absorbing book or meditating will sharpen attention and relieve stress.
Leave A Trail: When you think of something for your to-do list -- or a juicy but non pertinent article catches your eye --make a note to return to it later. Then get back to the task at hand.
Get Some Air: When you take a break, unplug completely. Take a walk, meet a friend for coffee, play with the dog. You'll return refreshed-- and with better focus.
Let It Go: Okay, so you can't figure out why you recognize a particular actor on TV. Just because you can get the answer online doesn't mean you should. Which will be more valuable tomorrow -- knowing the answer or finishing your work?
"If you spend much of your days multitasking, rushing, and half-listening, you won't be exercising the "muscles" of the brain that are needed for focusing," states Maggie Jackson, author of "Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age".
This information is from the AARP Magazine for July-August 2010.
Sharpen up your Brain Power!
Phil & Leigh
cable tv,
information overload,
social media,
surfing the net,
Monday, August 23, 2010
Giveaways---Gold at the end of a mouse !

One of the Top 10 ways to grow your Internet business and get lots of great stuff for Free!
If you are in any way associated with the Internet,
you are, undoubtedly, familiar with the saying
“the money is in the list”. What’s more, most of us can always use more tools and information to help us move ahead.
Enter the “JV giveaway” !!
Whether you are a webmaster, affiliate, promoter, producer, blogger, or pretty much anything else these are Gold!
Think of it sort of like a gigantic online “trade show”.
You can be either an exhibitor or attendee!
By simply joining in to the giveaway with something (information, software, memberships, ebooks, systems, etc) of value (That you are giving away) , you can promote and open up your business to tens of thousands of potential new customers or members (to your list or to membership sites) for no out of pocket costs. You can build your list exponentially because everyone else is promoting the site where you will be featured. The better your “Give”, the better the response you are likely to get.
By simply attending, you get to see hundreds of new and exciting things and get a whole lot of them for free! You will probably have to sign up for someones’ newsletter, but if it’s something you are interested in anyway, that’s a good thing. Moreover, it lets you see what’s going on and what’s hot and while it may not be ”Vegas” with a free buffet, you still get a lot (and I mean “A LOT”) of free goodies.
So regardless of whether you are “an exhibitor” or “attendee” these are a win-win treasure for all!
To find out more about up coming and current Giveaways go to: Fyitoday
Don't miss out on these great opportunities....Act Now! Check it out Today!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Gardening with Coffee Grounds: Living Green!

I was reading an older issue of Mother Earth News and
found an ad that listed some great uses for Coffee
grounds in the garden.
1) Sprinkle used grounds around plants before rain or watering for slow-release nitrogen.
2) Add to compost piles to increases the nitrogen balance. Coffee filters and tea bags break sown rapidly during composting.
3) To make a gentle fast-acting liquid fertilizer, dilute a half pound of wet coffee grounds with five gallons of water.
4) Mix into soil for household plants or vegetables.
5) Encircle the base of plants with a coffee and eggshell barrier to repel pests.
6) If you are into vermi-posting feed a little bit to your worms.
Get more gardening tips at
Watch for more gardening tips and green living information!
coffee grounds,
living green,
repel pests,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Boy Scout Memorabilia - 100 years of Scouting

I was looking at some Boy Scout items that my father and brother had stuffed in a box and that had been put away and forgotten about.
Inside was an envelope from "Scout Memorabilia" newsletter with an insert freebie.
The free item was a wonderful 32 page Graphic Novel(Book as they call it) about the life of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting Movement. You will find exciting, fantastic adventures as you follow Baden-Powell into action in India and Africa. See him outwit the fierce Afghans along the Northwest frontier of India! Be with him in Zululand, on the Gold Coast, in Southern Rhodesia and in the Boer War!
I found this Graphic Novel really fascinating and the Art Work great.
We decided to put it on eBay so it wouldn't just rot in the closet so if you are interested in it GO HERE.
Hope you find it as interesting as I did.
I also found a First Edition, 1911, Boy Scout Handbook, it is almost 100 years old. go here
P.S. for more vintage BSA items click here!
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