When I was first married my new husband thought it was funny that I clipped coupons and checked the paper and magazines for deals. This was until he went to the store with me and I saved $15.25 on my grocery bill. I also sent in for a $10.00 rebate for one of the items I purchased. He never laughed again.
Pinching pennies, coupon clipping, website searching and coupon printing, in today's economy all are a must do. People use to say that coupons are not necessary but back then there were only about 23 million coupons offered, now there are around 300 billion coupons available.
Besides the newspaper there are full magazines available full of coupons, Refundle Bundle is one by the Coupon Queen Susan Samtur. Web sites such as couponmom.com, coupons.smartsource.com and couponwinner.com are just a few that have coupons available. Some web sites allow you to download and print many coupons at once.
Codes are available to enter when buying online. Promotionalcodes.com is just one website for these.
Go online and do a search for coupon sources, I am not as good as some of my friends that can save over 50% on their grogeries. I consider myself small time but I do enjoy looking for that bargain purchase.
Get Going and Save Money NOW!!