Get audiobooks for free from LibriVox.org, a worldwide digital library with more than 4,000 unabridged books in the public domain; classics, drama and poetry. They can be played on your computer, MP3 player, cellphone or burned to a CD and played on your car stereo. These books are read by volunteers and you can be one too. Free audiobooks are also available through literalsystems.org and audiobooksforfree.com.
When my mom was in her later years, she developed macular degeneration and was unable to enjoy one of her greatest pleasure, reading. Audiobooks were available through her local library and she loved them. If you know someone that has macular degeneration or has any problem seeing or reading, find out if they are interested in audiobooks. You could download the books for them to read or check with your local library. The smile on their face will be a wonderful reward!
Enjoy your reading! Leigh
this information is from the aarp bulletin, June 2011
by Joan Rattner Hellman