I was going through some old cookbooks that I am listing on eBay and came across this recipe on how to take Knox Gelatine and mix it with butter to make a spread. It takes a quarter pound of butter and makes a half pound of spread. I thought it was interesting and thought I would post it for others. Enjoy!
As I said I came across a Knox Gelatine recipe book from way back. I found it interesting that since I knew that gelatin was good for nails and hair that there were many other thing it was good for also.
I am listing some of the items discussed in the cookbook and I will give you a new recipe that will help stretch the family budget in a healthy way. As a child I remember helping my mother make gelatin recipes and always had fun doing it. They are great make ahead meals for scheduling in busy days.
_from the cookbook________________________________________
Infant Feeding: Studies show that when Knox Gelatine is added to cow's mil, there is a marked reduction of the curd tension as compared with the same milk before adding gelatin - thus making milk more easily digestible.
Peptic Ulcer: Scientific research s shown that Knox Gelatine is particularly effective for the frequent feedings in the management of peptic ulcer.
Diabetes: Knox Gelatine, because it is free from carbohydrate, is a real boon in the diet of diabetics. It can be used in a wide variety of wholesome, tempting dishes.
As a Protein Drink: Hundreds of men and women engaged in strenuous occupations volunteered to drink Knox Gelatine regularly to see if it would help keep up their endurance. After 28 days, 2 out of 3 said they noticed that they felt better at the end of their day's work. Try it -- and see if you don't notice a difference. You'll find directions for drinking Knox Gelatine in every package.
Come back tomorrow and get the recipes for Ham Mousse, Jellied Chicken and Vegetables, and Meat Loaf for main meals, Reception Salad, Golden Salad and Green Salad for Salads, and for Desserts, Lemon Ice, Mint Sherbet, Lemon Milk Sherbet, Grape Juice Sherbet, Orange Cream Sherbet.
Click HERE to go to the full size image of the Butter Spread Recipe.
Until then, enjoy the info and stay healthy
If you are interested in Vintage Cookbooks check out my eBay store at:
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