Friday, July 24, 2009

How to Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Bill Collectors

I have a good friend that has been going through a hard time right now, like so many other people out there. She has been under so much stress after losing her job, maybe losing her house and not being able to pay her credit card bills and still buy food and clothes for her two children.

She has tried to work things out with the credit card companies but they do not seem to want to help or work with her to make lower payments. All they were doing was calling everyday and harassing her, making her feel worse than she already did and the stress was starting to make her ill, physically ill.

She found an article on the Internet and said it helped her a lot.

I thought of all the other people out there that possible could use the information in the article to get the Harassing calls (I'm not talking about the nice calls but the people that call, threatening, are rude, the ones that keep calling after you tell them to quit, etc) to cease.

If this sounds like you or you know someone who is in the same situation, read it now.

Read the article at: How to Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Bill Collectors

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Social Media, Technoroti, Digg, StumbleUpon and More.


I am so new to this Social Media Stuff that sometimes I feel lost. Claiming your URL on Technoroti, How to make friends and what do friends do. I have read books on Twitter and still my head swirls. I have many hats so what one do I profile or do I profile all of them. I have blogs for work, blogs for my cancer, blogs for fun. Can I twitter them in the one twitter account?If I blog do I need to twitter? I sometimes feel I spend all my time just blogging. Well there is my rant for the day and I do feel a little better. I will keep learning and hang in there.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Stimulus Program has Money to Weatherize your House

States are getting a boost in federal money to weatherize drafty homes, an increase so large it has set off a scramble to find workers and houses for them to repair.

An obscure program that installs insulation in homes and makes them more energy efficient is distributing $4.7 billion in stimulus funds.

That is enough to weatherize 1 million homes each year.

President Obama said pouring money into the program would lower utility bills for cash strapped families, provide jobs for construction workers idled by the housing slump and make the nation more energy efficient.

The program helps low-income families take steps to reduce their home energy expenses, from caulking leaky windows to replacing heating and cooling systems. The Energy Department says 6.2 million households have benefited since it began in 1976, saving the average household about $350 a year in energy bills.

In many states, qualified homeowners are already on waiting list. But some states do not have enough recipients signed up.

To help find them, states are updating Web sites about the expanded program and working with non-profit groups, churches and the news media to get the word out.

Go to:

Check out your states program by clicking on the map.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

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