Between the Internet, Cable TV, IPhones, Ipads, Cell Phones, computers, laptops and all the over information devices most people are suffering from information overload. We skim over Twitter, Facebook, Google, and anyplace else we can to keep on top of everything and are afraid we might miss out on some information. We are having problems focusing and getting our work done.
Here are some tips to "TAME YOUR INFO APPETITE"!
Study Your Habits: Don't be a passive consumer of culture. Ask your self everyday whether you are focusing on the right things.
Limit Your Inputs: Stick to favorite websites and TV programs and resist aimless Web and channel surfing. Open-ended cruising can cause you to lose track of time and goals.
Exercise Your "Concentration Muscles": Focused activities such as reading an absorbing book or meditating will sharpen attention and relieve stress.
Leave A Trail: When you think of something for your to-do list -- or a juicy but non pertinent article catches your eye --make a note to return to it later. Then get back to the task at hand.
Get Some Air: When you take a break, unplug completely. Take a walk, meet a friend for coffee, play with the dog. You'll return refreshed-- and with better focus.
Let It Go: Okay, so you can't figure out why you recognize a particular actor on TV. Just because you can get the answer online doesn't mean you should. Which will be more valuable tomorrow -- knowing the answer or finishing your work?
"If you spend much of your days multitasking, rushing, and half-listening, you won't be exercising the "muscles" of the brain that are needed for focusing," states Maggie Jackson, author of "Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age".
This information is from the AARP Magazine for July-August 2010.
Sharpen up your Brain Power!
Phil & Leigh
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