The Associated Press reported today that many people are calling in protesting and threatening to withhold donation because of NPR's firing of Juan Williams, former Fox employee and regular guest on the Bill O'Reilly's conservative talk show on Fox News.
It is believed that many of the so called protesters are reading from scripts as they keep using the same wording over and over again, using the same words, such as "totalitarian". When the representatives from NPR were asked how they could tell, Dana Davis Rehm in Washington said, "When people say, 'I'm never going to watch you again', that's an indicator.".
Do you think the Bill O'Reilly Show and Williams could have gotten together and planned this or was William's just stupid enough to follow in O'Reilly's footsteps. It seems that many of the conservatives in this country are acting like cattle following a bull to slaughter. We are suppose to be "The Land of the Free" but we are becoming "The Most Hated Country" due in part by the Bush administration and now by the ultra-right-wing conservatives like O'Reilly.
Wake up Americans and see what these people are doing to our country. I don't consider myself conservative or liberal but have views that go both ways. I bet if most Americans would take a good look, honestly, at their views they would find out that was true about most.
Even the starters of the Tea Party have denounced what the Republican Party has done to their movement.
Wake up American and get out there and vote before we lose "OUR AMERICA"!